Wednesday 2 November 2011


From the 'randomiser', we were simply given a profession with no idea of what exactly it was going to entail. 
When it got round to my name, I rather strangely got given the profession of....


What a coincidence. Maybe my entire first year will revolve around cats. I hate them as well.

From this, we were to gather 10 facts about our profession.

1. Mainly enter through upper windows, skylights, from the roof etc - known for their stealth
2. Skilled at breaking into buildings, even if they're secured against theft
3. Catwoman is known as the most famous fictional cat burglar, who stole from the rich in order to survive in Gotham City
4. In America, a cat burglar can fall victim to something called the 'Three Strikes Law' - three strikes and it's an automatic life sentence
5. The Pink Panther is a prime example of a film featuring this technique
6. A Japanese thief known as the gentleman cat burglar has written and published a popular book giving tips on how to carry out burglaries
7. The most famous British cat burglar is a man name Charles Peace (1879), who was known as the king of cat burglars
8. They use athletic prowess and advanced skills to avoid detection
9. Refers to how real cats silently stalk their prey
10. An alternative name is 'second story man'

Out of this list, three were chosen that weren't necessarily seen as the most interesting, but could be researched into in order to gain further ideas and inspiration for the brief.

The chosen three were numbers 6, 7 and 8.

Up until finding out our actual brief, I was a bit gutted with my chosen profession.
Finding out that this was to be linked back to 'proverbally yours' however seemed like only a positive thing. This will hopefully make it easier to create a relationship between the two briefs, as well as allowing me to create an appropriate tone of voice to the message I intend on giving. 

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