Tuesday 24 January 2012



What is the problem? 
Many people visit the circus without knowing the history behind it, or many of the interesting facts and superstitions that it's held for years. It has always been seen as quite a mysterious and strange thing, with an extremely expansive history, that is claimed to have been around for over 2,000. There are many things that the everyday person just wouldn't know.
What subject/area of study are you focusing on? 
The circus and it's history.
To what depth are you investigating this area/subject? Is this sufficient? 
I have undergone quite a lot of research into the my subject, looking at a lot of secondary data, imagery and documentary/film. I have undergone some surveys in order to gain primary data, giving me an insight into what people know and think. I would have loved to have been able to research further, however, by gaining the opportunity to visit a circus or even interview someone who is part of it.
What is the form and amount of your research to date? 
I have plenty of secondary research, however, I am slightly worried about my primary research. With a subject like this, it is quite difficult to undergo anything that isn't just a simple survey. I am hoping that in some way I will be able to contact someone who has plenty of information on this area, finding out more from someone with first hand knowledge.
What visual material do you have to work with? 
Mainly, I have been looking into vintage circus posters, which have really caught my eye. In particular, there are a handful of Bertram Mills posters that have some beautiful muted 'ice cream' shades that led onto me researching more into this idea of a vintage themed circus, with less traditional colours. I want to steer away from the garish reds, blues and yellows that you would normally see, which is why I have been looking a lot more at confectionary and old sweet shop visuals. 
From these, you can get a sense of the type of imagery that is used throughout the majority of circus advertisement. There's always the same sort of typefaces, banners, frames and colours.
Is there an appropriate amount of work for the time you have had to develop it? 
I definitely feel like I could be doing more research into other areas such as packaging design, and not just focusing mainly on my subject. There are other areas which I will need to look at in order to make the most of what I am doing.
If there isn't why is this? How could you improve your work-rate? 
I continuously find myself looking at a million and one things on the internet and never actually blogging about them. I need to make sure that everything I'm actually looking at and that I'm being influence by I actually write down.
What is your timescale? When is the deadline? 
The final deadline is on the 8th February. Not long.
What is achievable in the time available? 
I am hoping that I will be able to produce a varied range of products, and not just 10 of pretty much the same thing. I want to design something that is 3D, and can be interacted with, not just a simple poster. 
What methods are you using to evaluate the progress of your ideas? 
I am using my blog in order to do this. I will need to keep reminding myself of how much time I have left in relation to how much work  I have in order to make sure I am doing enough. This will mean good time management, using a diary and so on.
When it comes to designing my ideas, I will make sure that I put up everything, to show how certain things have developed or things that have changed and why this is the case. We also have a number of crits coming up soon which will be extremely helpful in the evaluation of my ideas. 


What are you identifying as areas worth developing further? 
I want to make sure that I look into sweet packaging and confectionary, as well as my current subject. I'm really interested in circus superstitions, and I want to make sure that I at least look at animal cruelty within the circus, even though I'm not focusing on this subject matter.
What are you trying to communicate? 
Simple, yet insightful, facts about the circus that are appropriate for the younger audience. 
What audience have you identified? 
The younger generation. Children who are much more likely to be purchasing snacks and sweets at the event.
What problem(s) have you identified? 
Many people visit the circus without knowing the history behind it, or many of the interesting facts and superstitions that it's held for years. It has always been seen as quite a mysterious and strange thing, with an extremely expansive history, that is claimed to have been around for over 2,000. There are many things that the everyday person just wouldn't know.
How do you intend to solve this (these)? 
By providing products that clearly and concisely display information that will educate the audience on my subject, that can be interacted with before, during and after the show. Something that is aesthetically pleasing and draws the consumer in, whilst also making sure they learn something new.
What further research does this require? (what, where, who and when?) 
More research into sweet packaging, in order to make sure I choose appropriate imagery and colour scheme for my audience. Also, researching more into my subject so that I can get as many intriguing facts as possible. 


Have you moved on from your initial starting point? If so, how and why? 
I have moved quite far away from my initial starting point of animal cruelty. For some strange reason in the last few projects I have ended up with the subject of animals - cats, more cats, guinea pigs, animal cruelty. It was decided after a small presentation of my ideas that I definitely needed to move away from this. As the circus has been viewed as a form of animal cruelty in the sense that it is for human entertainment, the circus became my new subject matter. Whilst I have looked into cruelty within this area, it was time to move on. 
What methods are you using to document this development? 
Blog, crits, design sheets, digital work, tutorials. 

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