Wednesday 29 February 2012


"Givers are longer livers."

Out of all of the options given to us, our group decided to go with the statement 'make people give more'.
We created a mind map of all the different things we believed a person could give more of. These included:

second chances
good thoughts
kind words

Individually we decided on a handful that we would like to work with, then as a group we made a final decision on which direction to go in. We felt that either happiness or smiles were a good route to go down, believing that the concept was strong and that something interesting could come out of it. We discussed with Amber the issue of these two words not necessarily working well with the statement, however she explained that it was ok to change the statement to fit and that it was just a starting point. 

As a group we got together and decided to start with the whole idea of happiness, which evidently branches off into smiling and laughter and so on. With happiness the scope is much greater. A list was created of all the things that made us happy, paying close attention to include things that weren't just materialistic. Everyone loves money and so on, but we needed actual situations that create this emotion. A survey has also been sent out that will help us get a broader range of opinions and feelings. 

As well as this, we evidently needed to think about our audience. To begin with, we were going to go with students in Leeds. Yet when we thought about it, this didn't really make sense. Students are not necessarily seen as unhappy people, therefore it was decided that perhaps we needed to look into an audience that were deemed generally unhappy. This made us consider particular occupations where workers may be deemed despondent and dispirited.
Those who probably aren't all that enthusiastic about their jobs are office workers. Our products will therefore have to be based primarily on their situation.

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