Friday, 17 May 2013

WHAT IS GOOD - recipe cards

Now that my recipe book was complete, I wanted to come up with more ways that would solve the problem of minimising mess for the audience. Recipe cards are a useful and efficient product, and allow the user to store and save their recipes. I therefore wanted to create a product that would allow the user to display their recipe on the side whilst baking, and one that would also give them the opportunity to add and include their own ideas.

New format : 5.5 x 6in

Coloured tabs

The use of the tab system minimises mess on the actual card, whilst also being a good way of colour coding recipes. The colours used are coordinated with those used in the publication.

Applying the tabs to the recipes

Creating a stand for the recipes - paper prototype

In order to minimise mess in a way that a recipe book cant, I wanted to produce a stand for my recipe cards. I have created a prototype of a stand that will allow the user to flick through and display their recipe up right, so they can follow the steps without having to touch the recipe itself. 


Below is the digital version of the stand that is to be printed, using an alternate pattern to that of the main recipe boko.

Front Cover

Front cover in the same style as the main recipe book, so they work as a cohesive set, but just simply changing the colour scheme to match the new pattern.

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