Things to think about
What is good about baking?
Who bakes?
Why do they bake?
Is baking for people with a lot of time and a lot of money?
What do you like about baking?
What is it you're baking? Cakes, savoury items, pies?
What are the pre-conceptions about baking? e.g. never trust a thin chef
Is baking only for old people? What's the demographic?
What's your favourite part of baking and where will this lead?
Ten good things about baking
1. It's very rewarding
2. The satisfaction you get if people approve of what you've made
3. The endless possibilities, you can make a hundred and one different things
4. Making your own flavours, experimenting with recipes
5. It can be rather relaxing and can keep your mind off things
6. The beautiful utensils/bowls/mixers/cases you can purchase
7. Getting to lick the bowl
8. The possibility of selling your products
9. The beautiful packaging you can purchase
10. You can be really creative and make some impressive stuff
Ten bad things about baking
1. It's not very healthy and is bound to be fattening
2. It can be pretty expensive for ingredients and utensils etc
3. It can go wrong often, causing unnecessary waste
4. Not everyone likes what you do and vice verse
5. It's messy and no one likes cleaning up afterwards
6. It's very hard to get it right all the time
7. It can be time consuming
8. It is annoying having to wait around for it to bake/be finished then having to allow it to cool etc
9. One wrong move/ingredient etc can mess the whole thing up
10. Not everyone likes cakes
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