Sunday 20 November 2011


Feedback from Ste and Greta.

The questions they looked at were
1. Is the proverb shown effectively in the poster?
2. Is there some sort of resemblance between the previous brief and this one?
3. Can you tell what it's for? Is the clarity of purpose clear enough?
4. Are the recipients related to the communication of the design?
5. Is the font and imagery appropriate to the tone of the design?

Overall, I received extremely positive feedback from Ste and Greta, and I am pleased with what they had to say about my work. The only issue brought up is that they stated 'could of maybe been improved by a better envelope design'. With more time, this is definitely something I would want to work on and look into developing further. 
Unfortunately, this was the only feedback sheet received. It has kind of left me with not much scope on how I could improve further. By only receiving one feedback sheet that is pretty much all positive, I am a bit lost as to where to go next with this.

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