Tuesday 8 November 2011


Mini crit with Steph and Emma, some great ideas given

- promote on idea of secrecy
idea of something being especially delivered to someone without them or anyone else knowing what's inside is a much better way of spreading this particular message than word of mouth
- idea of using a symbol, secret society, possibly a black cat
just a silhouette? 
- would the symbol be recognised only by a particular group of people or would it be identifiable to no one until they opened up the envelope?
- idea of just having three tips to be scrapped...possibly look into a business card style, that sort of size
- an A3 sheet that folds out into a whole page of tips that can be cut out by the receiver
- what tips would particular individuals use e.g. which would catwoman cut out and take for the day

original plain and simple (boring) idea for the tips.

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