Sunday 22 January 2012


BRIEF: (What is the problem you intend to solve?)

To educate circus goers (particularly the younger generation) on the history of the circus and what it entails. Also, to educate them on something they just wouldn't have known (weird superstitions, the first circus, shocking facts etc)

WHO NEEDS TO KNOW? (Who is your audience? Be concise no more than ten words)

Focused on the younger generation, those that visit shows

WHAT DO THEY NEED TO KNOW? (Be clear and specific)

The interesting history behind the circus and the traditions it's carried for many years

WHY DO THEY NEED TO KNOW? (Be clear and specific)

Many people are unaware of the vast history of the circus and how long it's been around for. Looking more at behind-the-scenes than what's going on in the big top. MAny of the facts are entertaining and quite surprising.

WHAT WILL THEY RESPOND TO? (How will they connect/understand the outcome?)

Information will be placed on confectionary bag and programs, as well as just standard posters. This is something they can interact with and understand at all three stages of the event - before, during and after.

WHAT RESEARCH IS REQUIRED? (What do you need to know in order to complete this brief to the fullest potential?)

- Research into history, traditions, superstitions
- BBC4 documentary
- Confectionary and packaging

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