Wednesday 4 January 2012


Gathering additional information using the virtual assistant on the RSPCA website.
What I found out...

How does the RSPCA aim to promote kindness and prevent cruelty to animals?
The RSPCA aims to promote kindness and prevent cruelty by being the leading provider of animal welfare in education, working with teachers to continuously plan for animal welfare education in the curriculum, saving teachers time by providing exciting and engaging, tried and tested, curriculum linked resources, providing training, information and advice about animal welfare education and providing educational resources and services to teachers. Please ensure you read further information on the RSPCA's education website. If you click on a link below I can load the page for you behind this window.

What do the RSPCA branches do?
They raise funds locally for local animals. The majority of people working for branches are volunteers who are not available full time. The common practice is for branches to use an answerphone and callers should use this service. Branches will, when possible, provide re-homing services, adoption services and welfare assistance. Additionally, there are around 215 RSPCA shops. We recognise the valuable support we receive from the branches in delivering our animal welfare aims and provide both financial and other support to them.

Can you give me some information about the RSPCA?
We're the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) and we've been here, looking out for animals, since 1824.
Today our dedicated team at the National Control Centre take thousands of calls every day from members of the public wanting animal advice and relating to animal cruelty. The control centre is open 24 hour 7 day a week 365 days a year and work hard to answer all your queries and concerns. They can be contacted on 0300 1234 999.

What is the Home for Life scheme?
f you're worried about what will happen to your pets after you pass away you might be interested in the RSPCA's Home For Life Scheme. The RSPCA's Home for Life service means you can rest assured that the RSPCA will be there for your beloved pets after you pass on. All it takes to set up the service is a simple clause in your will instructing that care of your pets is handed over to the RSPCA after your death.

What is the Animal Welfare Act?
The animal welfare act is where law requires you to care for your pet properly , whether your pet is a dog or a chicken. Please ensure you read further information relating to your query on our website. If you click on a link below I can load the page for you behind this window.

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