Thursday 23 February 2012



After researching quite a bit into rainbows, I decided that they were evidently a positive aspect of the rain in the UK. Lately, here in Britain we have been getting something called upside down rainbows, that are normally only seen in the north and south poles. They are quite extraordinary, and sweetly called 'smiles in the sky'. I really wanted to work with this idea.
I started off by created a simple rainbow shape using the pen tool, and then filling in each segment with colour. Usually, the colours of the rainbow are typically seen as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The mnemonic aid, Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain is well known around the world. However, everyone sees different when looking at a rainbow. It is said that someone who looks at a rainbow will not be seeing the same colours as someone else as they span a whole spectrum of colours, some merging into each other as similar shades.

It's weird but I really hate the colours of the rainbow when they're so intense and pure like the ones above. For my work I therefore wanted to look at some different options. To begin with, I decided to look at the typical colours of the rainbow, but I toned them down into pastels. Although I prefer these to those above, there was something that still really annoyed me about them and it got to me all day.

I tried looking at other possibilities, such as using shades of blue, that was evidently representative of the rain. Yet after some feedback from my peers, they didn't feel like it really worked, and that it didn't quite suit the situation.

I tried working with both colour schemes. The idea behind this poster was that the page was filled with continuous rainbows, then when you reached the end the rare 'smile in the sky' would appear.

I liked where the idea was going, however the colours just really weren't working. I tried changing the blues to different tones of blacks and greys, yet it just seemed so cluttered and in your face. The change between the two different rainbows wasn't strong enough.

It was suggested that I simply have the outlines of the rainbows up until the point where the 'smile' appeared. The page became a lot cleaner, and the meaning more obvious. Black outlines were too harsh, so I decided on a medium grey, which worked well. My only problem now was the colour.

Above you can see that I opted to go a complete different direction with the colour scheme. I'm really pleased with these colours, and in a way it makes the 'smile' into the unique thing that it is. Although not the typical colours seen on a rainbow, I think it makes the whole feel a lot less "childish" in a way, for lack of a better word. 

I then began looking at putting some text on there. I simply wanted it to read 'A SMILE IN THE SKY', simple and to the point. However, I am currently concerned that perhaps the audience will be unaware of the meaning behind this. I am therefore going to consider having a short line of text describing the making of an upside down rainbow.

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