Wednesday 8 February 2012


1.  What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

During this module, I have definitely developed my research skills, and the ability to apply them to design. Beforehand, I would obviously use research to influence and develop my work and ideas, however not quite to this extent. I have done a lot more primary research than I had previously undertaken, and expanded my knowledge on qualitative and quantitative data. This research allowed me to move on from initial ideas and push towards looking at something that really interested me. As it was so extensive, I was able to relate more to what I was doing, and therefore had a better idea of my audience and things like appropriate imagery, typefaces and colour schemes, which are all important. I feel, however, that I could have pushed myself more when it came to my final designs, especially in my 100 things brief. Although I did a lot of research into packaging design, I feel I didn’t go far enough with my end products. I could have been a lot more creative in order for them to stand out and appeal to my audience. With more time, I would definitely re-consider some of my original ideas, in order to come up something more innovative.
In addition to this, I feel that I have really developed my skills on Illustrator. Beforehand, I was completely useless on it in all honesty. During the 'How To' brief, I found working on it really difficult, and felt other members of my group were much more capable. Now, I have managed to learn how to use a number of different features on it that I originally found impossible to work. I am pleased at how I was able to create templates and illustrations that started off as hand drawn images and apply these to my work. I am hoping that from here I can only get better on this program, and expand on my current knowledge of it. 

2. What approaches to methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

In the '100 Things' brief, the design direction sheets that we were to produce during a workshop were a really good starting point. They allowed me to get a better grasp on the initial ideas that I had, and allowed me to gain some more visual research as opposed to just piles of information on my blog. I was able to look more in depth at colour scheme, influences and imagery. From this, I started to make proper decisions about what type of products I wanted to create. The visuals allowed me to decide what I really liked that look of and what I was interested in producing. 
After this, I then had the knowledge to go ahead and start getting some proper designs down. Design sheets really aided me in my working process, and for once I produced some designs before going straight onto the computer. I really enjoyed taking inspiration from my sheets and turning them into digital products - using illustrator to trace my hand drawings. 
During the 'How To' brief, discussing things a group was a really effective method of developing ideas. We were able to get ideas down and then go away by ourselves and work upon these. By bringing our designs in, we were then able to see visual ideas of how it could look or how we wanted it to look.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

For the 'How To' brief, I believe that I worked well as part of a group. I was willing to use other people's designs, and work on their styles when it came to creating my own stuff. I did not feel bad about my original work not being used, and was able to go with what I felt was best. We communicated well, and even created our own online group in order to discuss any issues that came up.
For the '100 Things' brief, I feel that the main strength in my work is how they work as a set. Colour scheme, typefaces and imagery all run throughout and work effectively. I managed to keep the same style throughout, whilst making sure every product was relevant to my subject matter.
As well as this, I am quite pleased that I managed to produce a range of different products. Although I feel some are not produced to their full potential, I am glad that I didn't just go with the original idea of creating 10 postcards or 10 posters. In some feedback, it was written that I could have produced more varied products, however, I feel I had a good amount. I looked at my theme and was able to come up with designs that were relevant and appropriate. I could have settled on just coming up with a simple series, yet opted against this, using different approaches and methods. 

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

For the '100 Things' brief, although I created a varied amount of products, I think I could have pushed the designs a bit further. Even though I was looking at the traditional vintage circus, I wish I had created a more innovative popcorn design that would have appealed a lot more to my younger audience. In the future, I will make sure that I don't just settle on a certain design. I will really look at my research as a whole and decide on the most appropriate direction.
I also wish I had strengthened my change in colour scheme. After Tom suggested I make it a bit more boy friendly, and I made these changes, during my final crit I still received the feedback that it may possibly be a little bit on the feminine side. If i had the time to change this, I would have produce a lot more colour variations, that still fit in with my original ideas. 
In addition to this, I would have loved to have been able to undertake more primary research, in order to expand on my knowledge of my subject and get to know my theme a bit more on a personal level. It's easy enough to get a load of information off the internet, however, there's only so much you can do to gain primary data.
In the future, for the 'How To' brief, I would have liked to have been able to create a proper model, and not just a prototype. Although this wasn't necessarily a weakness of the group, it is something I would have liked to have addressed. 

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

1. Produce more design sheets in order to get a lot more variation.
2. I would have changed the design of my popcorn box, in order to have something that was a bit different to something that is already out there. Hopefully this would appeal more to the younger generation and tempt them more into purchasing the product.
3. Do my primary research, using my target audience, in order to get a better understanding of what they want.
4. Experiment more with different typefaces so that I can see what will work best. I get caught up in typefaces that work well for headings and titles, but not body copy.
5. Manage my time better!

6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas: 

5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor

Attendance = 5

Punctuality = 5

Motivation = 3

Commitment = 3

Quantity of work produced = 3

Quality of work produced = 3

Contribution to the group = 3

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