Friday, 3 May 2013

EXHIBITION - development

For the exhibition poster, I decided to opt for the concept of winning. During the workshop, it was decided that this was the strongest concept, as everyone had a clear desire to win and this would appeal to the target audience.

I decided that I wanted to make it quite light hearted and use a play on words that would attract the audience. I wanted it to have a hand crafted feel, and to be quite simplistic but bold. I therefore started by creating some hand drawn type for the poster, using the play on words of 'number won'. This was sketched up and then put into illustrator using a graphics tablet.

I started off by drawing up a trophy and border, and adding in the hand drawn type. I wanted the overall visuals to be quite playful, and therefore used colours that would reflect this, yet still related to the content. I made the decision not to use any strokes, and simply filled the shapes with block colour, keeping to a minimum of two colours that worked well together. The horse shoe border framed the trophy well, and gave it an extra feature. The horse shoe also has connotations to 'luck' and therefore this links well with the winning aspect.

After experimenting with the use of simple block colour, I then decided to see how watercolour would work within this poster. I felt that this improved the overall visuals of the poster, and made it much more delicate and personal. It is quite an interesting and eye catching aspect to the design. It is nice to see the strokes of the paint and how there are different gradients, which work extremely well within the hand drawn type.

The final image makes use of colour that relates to the content. I also began to add decoration using the graphics tablet, which made the poster more detailed. Body copy was also added to the bottom of the poster, so that the audience was aware that it was for an exhibition. This was filled with the watercolour print, which looked really effective.

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