Thursday, 17 January 2013

RESPONSIVE - progress crit feedback

General feedback

1. Has the potential product range been fully exploited?
2. Has the context of delivery been considered?
3. Has audience or fender been considered from an informed point of view?
4. How much information is needed?
5. Can you guarantee your boards will be looked at in the right order?
6. Clarity of presentation/organisation? Can be understand them?

Feedback one

How would you grade the pitch on the following areas:
5 = excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor

Clarity of concept: 3
Breadth of ideas: 4
Appropriateness of response: 4
Contextual awareness: 2
Analysis/understanding of audience: 4
Level of innovation/originality: 4
Quality/clarity of presentation: 3

Areas for improvement
- Mock up visuals on the can to make concept and positioning clearer
- Needs to be developed further to understand more
- Think about shelf presence

Additional comments
- Iconic British theme works well with brans ethics - trend
- Good concept, very different approach to what has been done before yet still keeping the visuals colourful and iconic
- Looks very trendy
- Definitely stands out amongst it's competitors giving the product it's own visual identity

Feedback two

How would you grade the pitch on the following areas:
5 = excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor

Clarity of concept: 4
Breadth of ideas: 4
Appropriateness of response: 4
Contextual awareness: 3
Analysis/understanding of audience: 4
Level of innovation/originality: 4
Quality/clarity of presentation: 3

Areas for improvement
- Good to see mock ups of design
- POS displays will look really good
- Are you going to make posters to advertise?

Additional comments
- Good idea to link with style icons it will give people a favourite bottle to buy - "Oooh I like the Kate Middleton style one"
- Strong visuals, will be good to see how it will look on the bottles

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