Saturday 28 January 2012


The original double page spread that I had chosen was quite a simple and boring article on gardening tips. The spread was packed with different sized images, that seemed only to be there for the sake of it. 
When it came to redesigning and manoeuvring the layout, I decided that I would probably remove a lot of the images. On certain thumbnails I would experiment with different ones to get different effects. As there were so many, it would be quite difficult to put them into a position that was different from the one they were already in.
On the right hand page, there were a few numbered tips and techniques, which seemed like an interesting focal point that could be picked up on. I wanted to experiment with this through both the use of image and type, using the number three, as this was the number of 'tips' given.

Considering the article is on gardening, I feel that it could have looked a bit more 'cheerful'. The images of flowers and vegetables were pretty dull, and I'm sure there are plenty of images out there that show off the attractive side to gardening, which would perhaps pull people in more. The article was sort of randomly placed inside of a general magazine, and as it is not in a magazine specifically on gardening, I feel that it could appeal more to the general public. This could be done through the change of colours, image and type.

To begin, I worked out the grid layout of the magazine, which consisted of three columns. This is therefore something that my design would have to adapt to. 

Using thumbnails, I was able to come up with 18 possible new layouts for the article. I tried to focus on manipulation of the headline type, and also on image and colour. 

(images on disk)

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